Amy had her last sonogram earlier this week. Normally, the sonograms are a lot of fun but this one turned out to be somewhat stressful. On every other sonogram we've had (other than the slow lady in the ER), it took the sonographer just a couple minutes to take measurements, watch the kids move, and look for some other stuff like breathing practice. This time, our little boy was not cooperating.
In the last several sonograms, it was obvious to everyone in the room that the twins were moving and practicing their breathing (you see their stomachs go up and down). This time, the boy was not moving nor was he practicing breathing. His heart was beating at a normal rate, but that was about it. The two hours before the sonogram, the boy had been moving all over the place causing all sorts of discomfort for Amy. By the time the cameras were on him, he seemed to have worn himself out.
We watched him for what seemed like a very long time to see if he would practice breathing. To pass the breathing test, a baby needs to breath somewhere in a fifteen minute period. At 14 minutes and 30 seconds, he finally took a breath! (He sure cut that close.) Amy and I completely missed it but the sonographer saw it and our boy passed his test.
Now, we need to make it just a few more days.
Whew! Your post had me in suspense. I am glad it worked out. Hope you see you guys soon.