As I promised, here are some pictures of the twins over the last month.
Here is Caroline being cute. She smiles all the time but we just can't get a picture of it. Anytime we bust out a camera, she quickly stops and just stares at the thing. Amy and I have been talking about different ways we can try to camouflage the camera so she doesn't recognize it immediately.
Here is our little peanut. We try hard to not let the kids suck on their hands but they still manage to do it despite our effort.
Another one of our sweetie.
Caden sure knows how to relax. :) A couple minutes before taking this picture, Caden was sitting up on the couch. But then he fell asleep and fell over.
Caroline knows how to relax as well. I'm not sure she could stretch out any more than she is here.
I think this picture is funny but I'm sure most of y'all will just find it gross. :) It was from when Caden was sick and was spitting up stuff multiple times a day. He sure nailed mommy good at this time! Oh, in case you are wondering, this is nothing compared to what Caroline spits up. Picture this times twenty! She would make your entire shirt and pants look like Amy's sleeve!
Here are a couple pictures of Caroline showing off one of their Christmas presents. It is a Johnny Jumpup. We need to get a good picture of Caden in it. He is the one who enjoys it the most. They are both still a little to small to bounce nicely but they still love it.
Here is Grandma with her grandkids. Caroline is sporting a new outfit from Grandma. Caden has a similar one but is not wearing it at the moment.