While in Seattle, our kids learned some things from their older cousins.
Caroline learned to eat! She has always been an okay eater at best but she turned into a great eater while in Seattle. She basically tripled how much she eats. We think it was from watching the big kids eat. Caroline loves fruit (pretty much any type we give her) and blueberry waffles. Now that we got home, she has even started liking green beans. And in case you are wondering, Caden is still a horrible eater. He obviously did not pay attention to the Bakers well enough...or he paid attention at the wrong times. :)
Cal loves playing with small cars and trains and would push them all around the house. Back in Texas, Caden started playing with his little red car, just like his big cousin, and would push it all around while crawling. Before watching Cal, Caden would normally play with it in his hands or push it around his body a little.
That is so fun! It's amazing how much babies pick up by watching bigger kids.