Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Party

Our small group had a Halloween party last night. We ordered pizza, had desserts, and dressed the kids up in Halloween costumes. All of the kids looked great.

Here is Caden in his bee costume. I thought it was appropriate since he was baby 'B'. The costume should have wings and a hat, but Caden was not a fan of either of those accessories. Caden actually has a couple other costumes as well. I'll get some pictures of those up on the blog later.
Mommy and baby bee...this time with a hat (but still no wings).Caroline was dressed as a little lady bug. Or as some of the mommy's said at the party, Caroline was a sexy lady bug. :)
Caroline and her friend Hanna. Hanna is showing off her new sitting ability.Hannah sporting her Halloween gear.Caris had the cutest flower costume. The massive head piece did not phase her in the slightest. Caris was still running all around having a ton of fun. She just didn't have much in the peripheral vision. :)Lynnae and her doggy, Caleb.Braden was a giraffe.
Jon was a turtle. The funny thing about that is Jon doesn't do anything slow. He is a little speed demon when it comes to getting around.
Of course, we wanted to get a group shot of the kids. Well, that is easier said than done. Here is the right half of the couch...
...and the left half of the couch. Caden had already had enough and wanted to go do something else. :)This is the closest I got to a full group picture. I'm not sure what happened to the flower girl and five seconds from now, we were also missing a bee.Caden might not like his hat, but Caroline sure liked playing with it.I think this might be my favorite picture from the night.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The "Baker" Ears and Tubes for Caroline

Jason and I have fun talking about which side of the family our kids got their traits their red hair from his side or mine? Did Caroline get her outgoing personality from her Aunt Angela?? Is that Ella's laugh or Cal's smile??? Who knows! The one thing that we do know, though, is that they both inherited the Baker Ears. Small Eustachian Tubes are a Baker trait! I had tubes several times as a young girl and to this day, when I see a doctor, I still hear comments about the amount of scar tissue in my ears.

Caden had three ear infections before he was seven months old. Caroline had two before she was six month old. Then, we had months of no ear problems. That abruptly changed for Caroline. She had her three double ear infections over the last month or so. She just couldn't fully recover and it became obvious that she needed tubes.

We scheduled the appointment just as soon as we possibly could. The whole family has been sick with a stomach virus for the last week. This virus prevented Caroline from being able to take her antibiotics. We needed the surgery to clear up this ear infection since Caroline's stomach just couldn't handle the medicine. :(

Our whole goal this week was keeping Caroline hydrated enough so she wouldn't need an IV and could have her surgery. This was easier said than done but thankfully, we can check that goal off the list.

This last Thursday, we woke Caroline up at 5:45 am so we could arrive at the surgery center by 6:00. As you can see, Caroline was not ready to be woken up.
Grammie and Poppa tag teamed Caden babysitting duty. Grammie took the early shift and then headed into work for a meeting. Poppa took over until we returned home.

This is what it looked like outside when we arrived.
We waited for an hour before the surgery. That was way to long for a little girl to wait...especially when she couldn't eat or drink anything. Finally, the doctor came and carried Caroline away. Five minutes later, the doctor was out telling us the surgery was complete and everything went very well. We were relieved.

Here is Caroline after the surgery. She was scared, crying, and had the floppy head of a new born. It was very sad seeing her this way and we struggled to comfort her.
Caroline's monitor.
Here is the surgery center after we left. We totally missed the sunrise. I guess we had other stuff on our minds.
When we got home, Grammie and Poppa had a surprise waiting for Caroline. You can see, Caroline was not yet back to her normal toy loving self.
But after a well deserved nap, Caroline decided to give the new car a try.
This time, she liked it. :)
We hope Caden's ears hold up so he wont need to get tubes like big sis Caroline.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Four Years Ago Today...

Four years ago today, I proposed to Amy...and I still think it was the correct decision. :) I started to write a post about it when I found our versions of the stories from back then. I thought those would be even better.

Amy’s Version of the Engagement Story

Jason and I met several years ago at a singles Bible Study at Grace Covenant in Austin. I thought he was a cutie from the moment I saw him! We never really had the opportunity to talk to until we had a game night one Wednesday evening. He was playing Boggle with some mutual friends, so I took the opportunity to sit down and play so I could talk to him. I’d never played Boggle before then, and I was so bad, I haven’t played since, but it was the start of a few great friendships.

After a year of getting to know each other, Jason asked me out in January of 2005. We’ve been dating ever since.

Fast forward to last weekend…….

On Friday morning, I got an e-mail from Jason telling me he wanted to go on a “date night” that evening. I love date nights, so I was excited, but not really suspicious since we do this on a regular basis. I rushed home from work and got ready for the evening. Date night normally means he’s taking me for Mexican food (I love it, he doesn’t), but Friday night, he suggested that we go to Houstons….yummy! We went to dinner Friday night and had a great time! After dinner, we just went to my house and hung out for a while, and then made plans to meet up for breakfast the next morning.

Every Saturday morning, I call Jason to wake him up. I’m an early riser, and he’ll sleep till noon (or 9:30, whatever) if I let him. When I called at 8:30 that morning, he didn’t answer. Again, not out of the ordinary, so I just went about my day, mowing my yard, weeding, etc. When Jason finally called me at 9:15, I was just starting to clean up and start thinking about breakfast. I thought we would be making waffles or pancakes at my house, but it turns out, Jason had other plans. He suggested that we go out to one of my favorite brunch places, Chez Zee. I never turn down Chez Zee, so I got ready and we headed there. We had a great brunch and when we were leaving, Jason mentioned that he wanted to stop by Mount Bonnell.

Mount Bonnell is a great scenic overlook over Lake Austin --- magnificent views and great scenery. We stayed at Mount Bonnell for a while taking pictures, talking, laughing and enjoying the views. Then, Jason suggested that we head back to my place.

At this point in the day, I was just thinking how much I loved him and that I loved my special date weekend……I had no idea what was coming!

We got back to my house shortly after noon on Saturday. I walked in (I’ll let Jason tell you how he almost clipped me with his car in the driveway) and there was a path of roses that started at the back door and eventually led to a huge bouquet of red roses accompanied by a white bag with red tissue paper. At this point, my heart started beating soooo fast. I actually asked if the present was for me….duh!! He said yes, that I should open the present. So, after tearing through a bunch of red tissue paper, I saw the game Boggle at the bottom of the bag. I opened the box and inside was a beautiful diamond engagement ring and the Boggle cube with the words “Will you marry me”. I started crying before I read the sentence and turned around to see Jason on his knees asking if I would be his wife…..I said YES!!

Jason's Long Version of the Engagement Story

Okay, so you want to know the long version of the story. Here are all the details I can think of. I even put some footnotes to fill out the story. :)

On Friday night, I took Amy to a nice restaurant called Houston’s. They have really good steak and this pork chop that I love. Afterwards, we just hung out. I was just trying to make sure it was a good weekend.

On Saturday mornings, we always have breakfast together. Before heading over, I needed to get a few things done.[1] When I got to Amy’s house, she asked what I wanted to do and I said I wanted to go out for breakfast.[2]

I took her to this nice place that she really likes called Chez Zee. The have really fancy breakfast things such as crème brulee french toast. It is so good but it tastes like you are having dessert.

When we were finished with our breakfast/brunch, I told her I was going to take her to Mount Bonnell. That’s a place in Austin on top of a mountain that looks out over Lake Austin. There is a really nice view. We walked around, took a few pictures, talked, etc. It was a really nice day in Austin. Eventually, I asked if she was ready to head home and she said yes. We left and headed back to her place.

When we go back to her house, she got out of the car as I pulled in the garage.[3] She opened the door and there was a large bouquet of red roses on the kitchen counter. There were also some roses on the floor leading up to the kitchen. Next to the rose bouquet, there was a white gift bag with red crate paper. Amy asked if the present was for her and I told her of course. She then asked if she could open it and I said of course.

When Amy opened the gift bag, there was the word game Boggle inside.[4] I told her to go ahead and open the Boggle box. Inside, I had the ring in an open jewelry box tied down so it would stay in place. The Boggle letters spelled out “WILL YOU MARY ME.” She tried to pull the ring box out of the Boggle box but it was tied down. I took the ring out, got down on my knee, asked her to marry me, and put it on her finger. She said yes.

About ten minutes later, Amy asked if we could go register. :) And that was that. So that was the long version of the story. Hope that was enough details for ya.

[1] I went to the grocery store to get some flowers. Amy called when I was on my way there but I decided to not answer to make her think I was still sleeping or I was in the shower. When I got to HEB, I bought all of the red roses they had other than this one dozen that looked like crap. It ended up being four dozen roses. I also bought a vase for the flowers and some green fern leave things for a bouquet. I had a friend of mine (Jack) who is engaged to a friend of Amy’s (Jenny) ready to help that day. Jack didn’t tell his fiancĂ©e they were helping until after 11:00pm the night before. He had planned to wait until the morning of to tell her but she kept asking what they were going to do the next morning. After leaving HEB, I took the roses over to Jenny’s house and gave them Amy’s key. They would then head over to Amy’s when we left, put the flower bouquet together, and set up the place. They did a great job. They stuffed as many roses in the vase as they possibly could.

[2] Before leaving for breakfast, I quickly called Jack from the bathroom so he would know we were leaving. I didn’t want Amy to know I was making a call so I did it as quietly as possible.

[3] Amy has a two car garage and I park on the right. There is not enough room for me to pull in and then for her to get out so I always let her out first. She then walks in front of my car and goes in the house. This time, I did not want her walking in without me. She had already announced that she really needed to pee so she was going to bolt inside. That gave me very little time so I pulled a little further forward than normal and a lot more to the right. I made it impossible for her to get out and walk in front of my car. I then wanted to pull in quickly so she wouldn’t beat me into the house by too much. Being a little overzealous, I bumped some boxes in her garage. :) Whoops! She laughed at me and was still waiting outside. Now, she wouldn’t pass me to go in. I wanted her to go in first but she just wouldn’t do it. I pretended like I was checking to make sure I fit my car in her garage. Eventually, I got her to pass me and I followed her in. Later, she realized that I pinned her out of the garage on purpose.

[4] Amy and I met over a game of Boggle at a Bible study a few years ago during a game night.

Caden's Hair Got Its First Trim

Tuesday night, Amy and I decided to trim Caden's hair for the first time. Well, we only trimmed the back bottom part of hair. For some reason, his hair grows on top, followed by a three inch wide bald area all around his head, followed by some more hair. Basically, it is the total opposite of male pattern baldness.

Here is the area we attacked. As a side note, you can see by Caden's droopy drawers, he has not quite grown into these Aggie clothes.
Caden was not a fan of getting a haircut but we think it looks a lot better. You should notice in future pictures.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Daddy's Birthday Present for the Twins

We mentioned the playscape that Jason built in a previous blog, but, I didn't think that post gave you a full understanding of the, I am dedicating a full blog post to it. I was the official photographer of the project and tried to capture each step for you to see.

Here are the plans that Jason drew up for the playscape....he seriously drew them out himself, calculated all the angles and even used a protractor for the sketches and angles. Seriously impressive!

After drawing up the plans and figuring out what supplies he needed, Jason and his dad made a trip to Home Depot. They bought a ton of wood, bolts, screws, and even splurged on a new miter saw. There was so much, they had to rent a truck to get it back home, carried it into the backyard, and made this stack.

Ok, well, the stack doesn't look at big in pictures as it was in real life. On Saturday, August 21st, Jason started the construction of the playscape with the goal of completing most of it by the twins first birthday party. It took a few weekends of hard work during the hottest time of year, but Jason was able to get it built.

Here he is cutting wood with his new miter saw.
The first thing built was the tower base. This was the hardest part and took a lot of math. With our yard being no where near level, Jason had to survey the area and figure out the elevation of all the points where the swing set would touch the ground. There is more than a foot difference between the corners of the tower and two feet between the highest and lowest point in the swing.

I helped in this part of the project by holding the two sides up while Jason added temporary supports. I also helped by frequently telling Jason it was not level despite his level saying the tower was actually level. :) Also, you can see our fence blew over during this time, it's fixed now!
Jason standing on what would be the top of the slide and rock wall.
Rock wall, minus the rocks, is up!
Caden enjoyed being up on the tower with Daddy.
Here is the first time down the slide.
Caden's first time down the slide by himself.
Poppa helped put the roof on. He also helped with the 4x6x12 crossbar that holds the swings. Thanks for spending hours in the heat dad!!
Here is the what the swing set looked like before the party. It is not quite finished. Jason still plans to make a rope ladder (behind the slide in the picture), build a ladder to get up the back side of the tower, something for the third swing location, and someday, we plan to add a tire swing underneath the tower.

This is the twins first time on the swing. Daddy had been working on the swing set and just finished hanging two swings. This was the weekend before the twins first birthday party.
Caden LOVES, LOVES, LOVES swinging. He is so excited and loves going as high as you are willing to push him.

Caroline was not quite sure what to think her first time on the swing. She was tired an needed a nap but she did enjoy watching Caden. Now, Caroline really likes swinging...just not as much as brother.

Here are the grandparents pushing the kids in the swing the night before their party.
Here is a video we made of the twins first time swinging on the swing set.

So far, the swingset has been a HUGE hit with the twins! I am sure it will continue to entertain them for years to come!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Caroline Pushing Lightning

Caroline loves pushing Lightning McQueen around the house. Here is a quick video of her maneuvering it around the entry way of our house. She will push this thing all around the house. She frequently gets frustrated when it gets stuck but after a little whining, she normally she gets it out by herself.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Gross Sick Kid Story

As I mentioned before, there was a diarrhea story. Warning, this one is a little gross.

I was at work and Amy was home with two sick kids. After I been away for a couple hours, I get a call from Amy saying I needed to come home right away and help out. I could hear to screaming kids and the "I've had enough" tone of Amy's voice.

When I got home, Amy told me about the straw that broke the camel's back. Amy had already changed close to ten dirty diapers and was no longer putting clothes back on the kids. They were just crawling around in diapers. Amy was in the middle of changing Caroline on the changing table when Caden came crawling in crying. Amy looked down and noticed Caden needed another diaper change and to make matters worse, half his diaper had come off and there was a lot of liquid poo!

Caden looked at his diaper, looked at Amy, and then back to his diaper. He proceeded to stick his hand deep into his diaper and pulled out a completely dirty hand. With Caroline on the table and also covered in poo, the only thing Amy could do was say, "no, no, no, Caden, not put your hand in your mouth, no, Caden, no, no, no". Thankfully, Caden listened. He was content just looking at his disgusting hand.

Amy cleaned up the kids and immediately called me.

Can you guess what I'm thankful for? Maybe I should save this for Thanksgiving but I'm thankful all this happened while I was at work. :) I would not have dealt with it as well as Amy.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Caroline's First Step

Caroline took her first step tonight! She has been pulling up and walking next to things for awhile and she has been standing unassisted for a week or two.

Tonight, she stood up, waved at me with her homecoming queen style wave, looked down at her feet, and then took one step covering about five inches. She then sat down.

Way to go, Caroline!

Sick Kids and Scary Looking Caroline

Our kids have been sick a lot over the last few weeks. Pretty much since we got back from Seattle, we have been dealing with sick kids. There have been multiple ear infections, reactions to flu shots, diarrhea (more on this later), viruses, and rashes. This last week was the first week in a long time the kids were completely healthy and were back to their old happy selves.

As you can see here, Caroline had a fairly alarming looking rash.
Thankfully, when the rash appeared, Amy's good friend from Nashville was visiting us who happens to be a pediatric nurse. She knew what the rash was and said it might look bad but it would soon go away. She was right. Caroline's rash completely disappeared after a couple days with no sign she ever had a rash. Caden got a similar looking rash a couple days later but he was no where near as bad.

We actually took Caroline to the Hula Hut sporting her rash. I'm sure most of the people there saw her and were scared of some sort of outbreak. :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Caden Smiling for the Camera Video Montage

Earlier, I wrote a post about Caden smiling for the camera. We managed to get him doing this on video a few times. He never does it quite as well when the video camera is going but I think it is still pretty cute.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Stuff the Twins Do

Here are some of the things the twins do. Some are new and some are not so new.

  • They no longer have any bottles. All of the milk they get now comes from a sippy cup.
  • The kids do art projects at school and often with finger paints. When I see the art work, I can always tell who painted it. Caroline's art looks like she loved it and went crazy all over the page. Caden's art is always more deliberate and controlled.
  • At day care, the twins take naps in cribs next to each other. Surprisingly, Caroline wakes up first and uses her blanket to wake up Caden. She throws her blanket onto Caden, whips it around a little, and pulls it back. The teachers watch her do it everyday and laugh.
  • The kids love playing with phones. They hold it up to their ear, or more like the back of their head, and talk.


  • Caroline stands up. She can do so for around twenty seconds.
  • Caroline loves "Lightning McQueen". She climbs on and off it and pushes it all around the house.
  • Amy will say a word (cow, ball, Elmo, etc) and Caroline will go find that item. Even if it is not visible, Caroline knows how to look for it and find it. She is very happy to show off the item when she finds it.
  • Caroline loves saying "cow." She has a little cow toy that moos. We also have a little duck toy. Caroline loves imitating it by saying "quack quack quack quack." The "q" sounds a little bit more like a "w" sound but it is pretty close.
  • Caroline has two crawling speeds--normal and turbo. The turbo speed is very fast and could probably out run her mom.
  • Caroline loves sleeping. She is sooooo easy to put down and is on a very nice schedule.
  • Caroline is a good little eater. Her favorite is any fruit we give her.
  • Caden says "Daddy" clear as day. He normally says "da da" but he can definitely say "Dad-dy."
  • Caden also says "hello." It sounds a little more like "ello" or "ella" but it is still very cute. He loves saying it when he answers the phone.
  • Caden loves talking and will make sounds for hours on end. He mainly does it when it is just the four of us.
  • Caden still has a gimpy leg crawl but he gets around the house very well.
  • Caden pulls himself up and can walk around holding onto things.
  • Caden is getting better at eating but is still pretty bad at it. He loves his cheerios, bread, and cheese.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One Year Checkup

The twins had their one year month checkup on Monday and everything is going well. Not much new to report. Here are their measurements from this appointment.


twelve month:
weight: 20 lbs 1 ounces and 30th percentile
height: 30 inches and 76th percentile
head circumference: 46.4 cm and 75th percentile

nine month:
weight: 18 lbs 7 ounces and 50th percentile
height: 28 inches and 70th percentile
head circumference: 45 cm and 65th percentile

six month:
weight: 15 lbs 15 ounces and 50th percentile
height: 27 inches and 90th percentile
head circumference: 43 cm and 52nd percentile

four month:
weight: 13 lbs 6 ounces and 45th percentile
height: 25 inches and 75th percentile
head circumference: 41.3 cm and 50th percentile

two month:

weight: 11 lbs 12 ounces and 75th percentile
height: 23 inches and 75th percentile
head circumference: 39.4 cm and 53rd percentile

one month:
weight: 9 lbs 1 ounces and 50th percentile

height: 20.5 inches and 30th percentile
head circumference: 36.5 cm and 25th percentile

two week:
weight: 7 lbs 10 ounces and 25th percentile
height: 20 inches and 50th percentile
head circumference: 35.4 cm and 25th percentile

weight: 7 lbs
height: 19.375 inches
head circumference: 34 cm and 25th percentile


twelve month:
weight: 18 lbs 5 ounces and 5th percentile
height: 29 inches and 25th percentile
head circumference: 46 cm and 30th percentile

nine month:
weight: 17 lbs 8 ounces and 10th percentile
height: 27 inches and 10th percentile
head circumference: 44.5 cm and 25th percentile

six month:
weight: 14 lbs 15 ounces and 8th percentile
height: 25 1/4 inches and 10th percentile
head circumference: 43cm and 25th percentile

four month:
weight: 12 lbs 11 ounces and 10th percentile
height: 24 inches and 25th percentile
head circumference: 41cm and 20th percentile

two month:
weight: 10 lbs 4 ounces and 25th percentile
height: 22 1/4 inches and 25th percentile
head circumference: 38.2 cm and 12th percentile

one month:
weight: 7 lbs 13 ounces and 5th percentile
height: 20 inches and 5th percentile

head circumference: 35.8 cm and 6th percentile

two week:
weight: 6 lbs 4 ounces and 5th percentile

height: 19 inches and 6th percentile
head circumference: 33.9 cm and 5th percentile

weight: 5 lbs 10 ounces
height: 18.125 inches
head circumference: 32.3cm and 5th percentile

Here are some charts of their stats.