We spent the weekend before Christmas with my family in Dallas. I have not yet pulled any pictures off of the camera (I'll share those later) but I did download the videos.
On our trip to Dallas, Amy and I got the best gift we could have possibly asked for--the twins were great in every possible way! And I'm not talking about the Grandma version of "great" where her grand kids can do no wrong. The kids were in great moods during the entire trip. Part of this might be attributed to this being the first trip to Dallas in awhile where we didn't need to take one of the kids to the doctor. This trip, both Caden and Caroline slept through the night even better than they do at home. To make this more impressive, before this trip, neither kid has ever slept through the night when we were away from home. Not only did they sleep through the night but they even took good naps.
While in Dallas, the kids got a ton of presents. Aunt Angela insisted the kids open a lot of their presents early. We tore the tape on the presents making it easy for the twins to open. Caden and Caroline had a lot of fun opening their gifts.
Here is a video of us opening presents at Grandma's house. The kids favorite presents were the puffs that were inside their new lunch boxes, a cardboard box, and some tissue paper.
One thing the twins love doing at Grandma's is pushing their walkers all around the house on the hardwood floors. Here is a quick video of the twins pushing one walker together. Normally, they each push their own but here, they were having fun (mostly) sharing one.
The next day, we went over to celebrate Christmas with Grandpa. Sadly, a lot of the people who were going to be there ended up being sick. But the few of us who made it had fun. Once again, the twins got a lot of really good stuff.
Caden got a bus that he loves pushing around. While we were opening presents, he pushed this bus all around the house. At one point, I yelled, "Caden, are you okay?" The funny part is he immediately responded with a very cute "AAAAHHHH" from wherever he was. I wish I had that on camera.
Another thing the twins enjoyed doing at my dad's was playing with the dog, Chloe. At Thanksgiving, they (especially Caroline) were a little rough with Chloe. Something changed since then and this time, both Caden and Caroline were very good with Chloe. Caden chased Chloe around Caroline for like five minutes. I finally pulled the Flip camera out as it was all wrapping up.
They were so good. It is fun to hear Caden's laughing!