Caden took his first steps today! The last month or so, he has loved pushing walking toys around the house. Recently, he has enjoyed holding onto my fingers and walking around. Yesterday, for the first time, Caden walked around when holding on with only one hand. Today, I pulled that one hand away and he was able to take three (quick) steps of his own! Amy and I were very excited and cheered him on.
Caden is way more excited about walking than Caroline so hopefully he will improve quickly. Caden loves holding my hands and walking around the house. Tonight, Caden actually got a little too excited walking and threw up his dinner. :)
Caroline is not as excited about walking as Caden. She will only walk if she decides she wants to. Caden's walking seems to encourage Caroline to walk so she can get some of that attention. Tonight, when they were both walking around (Caden with help), Caden had a very proud "look what we are both doing, Caroline" look on his face. On the other hand, er face, Caroline had an "anything you can do I can do better" look. :)
Yay, Caden! I got excited just reading the title of the blog.