Both of our kids are getting so smart but I have a couple stories about Caroline.
Story 1:
Yesterday, Amy gave Caroline a new toy. It was a dog beanie baby that Amy used to keep on her desk at Dell. Both our kids are currently obsessed with dogs so Amy thought they would like it.
When I got home from work, I was getting dinner ready in the kitchen and Amy was playing with the twins in the family room. I heard Amy say, "Caroline, go show Daddy your new doggy. I think it is in the play room." That was everything Amy said.
Less than one minute later, Caroline came walking into the kitchen with the beanie baby dog in her hands with a giant smile on her face. She brought it right over and handed it to me. (Of course, she wanted it back after just a couple seconds.)
I think that is so smart for such a little girl. She knew exactly what Amy told her, walked all the way across the house to find the new toy in a mess of toys, and then brought it directly to me.
Story 2:
One of Caroline's favorite things to do is point out body parts. You can tell her a body part and a person and Caroline will walk right over to that person and touch the requested body part. Her favorites are nose and tummy.
Embarrassingly, Caroline also really likes pointing out something on Caden that she is missing. :) She is always very excited when Caden gets a diaper change on the floor. Caroline will hover over him with her pointing finger sticking straight up ready to go. When diaper change is over, Caroline often looks all over for her's.
I can't wait to see what Caroline will come up with next.
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