I was talking with Caroline's pre-school teachers this morning. I asked if she had been hitting Caden lately. She has become aggressive with him at home and I wanted to see if it was transferring to school or possibly to other kids. They confirmed that she does hit/push Caden and ALWAYS wants whatever toy that he is playing with, but, she never hits or pushes other kids. They mentioned that when she does hit, they put her in a time-out. Something that we are starting to do at home too.
When I picked Caroline up today, her teachers told me that she got put in time-out today for pushing Caden. The funny party is that they put her in the corner of the room, and the teacher says that she has so many friends in the class, that when Caroline went to sit in the corner, several of her friends went to sit with her and hug and comfort her! Her teacher had to break up the "time-out-social-hour" so Caroline would understand that she was being punished.
Here is a picture of our little bully. She looks so sweet, hard to believe that she packs such a punch!
Wow! Already quite the social butterfly--watch out middle school, here she comes. :)