The boat had a pirate night and we all dressed up. (Some people on the ship had some serious pirate costumes.)
Here we are in our pirate costumes. Caden and Caroline were Jake and Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. (They were the same for Halloween.) We bought a patch for me and made a comber bun and head scarf out of some cloth.
Me with my little pirates.
Grammie and Poppa dressed up as well. Poppa has Scully, the bird from Jake and the Neverland Pirates, attached to his shoulder.
Caden drinking his ice cream.
Posing with our waiter.
Jake and Izzy
Caroline and Grammie
Grammie, Poppa, Caden, and Caroline in their pirate gear
We had a lot of fun during pirate night.
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