Our sweet little Caroline is sick. :( This is the first sick baby we have had. I know it will be the first of many but we still feel really sad for her.
A couple days ago, we noticed Caroline had a stuffy nose. We cleaned it out with saline and that bulb thing. Yesterday, she started to get worse. Caroline did not have much of an appetite, she was coughing, it was hard for her to breath, and we could tell the mucus had moved into her chest. We also measured her temperature as high has 102 degrees. Amy was up most of the night holding Caroline. Holding her is just about the only way to prevent her from screaming.
Today was suppose to be Amy's first day back at Dell and the twins first day in pre-pre-school (Amy doesn't like calling it daycare). Instead, today is Caden's first day of pre-pre-school. Amy didn't have enough time to get upset about dropping him off because she needed to come home so we could take Caroline to the doctor.
After dropping Caden off, we took Caroline to the doctor where she tested positive for RSV (respiratory syncytial virus). This is pretty much a cold and there is not much the doctor can do. Thankfully, she is not wheezing (the doctor doesn't think she will), her lungs sound okay, and her ears are clear (ear infections are common in the Baker family and often go hand in hand with RSV).
Sadly, Caroline will likely have a cough for four to six weeks. :( Her fever should die down in a few days. We have a follow up doctor visit for later in the week. We are worried about Caden getting sick as well. The doctor said he would almost assuredly get sick but at the moment, he is doing great and has been very pleasant.
I guess Caroline wont make it to child care this week. We are not sure if we will have Caden go without her. Since Amy really does need to work some this week, I'm going to stay home with our sick little lady and work when I can. Thankfully, my mom was already planning to come into town Wednesday night of this week. We'll be glad to get some help trying to comfort our sweet little Caroline.
Hunka Hunka Halloween
8 years ago
with the breathing, and sleeping. When Esther has mucus and could not sleep we let her sleep in her swing because of the incline she could sleep and breath at the same time. It sucks to have a sick one.