I got home late tonight because I played basketball after work. After getting home, I helped with dinner (mostly I helped with eating part) and then I held/fed Caroline. I had said hi to Caden but hadn't seen him much. Well, Caden started acting very poorly for Amy as she was holding him. He was whining, wouldn't eat, and kept looking at me. Amy thought he wanted to see his Daddy and decided to switch kids with me. Immediately, Caden started smiling, laughing, and was in a great mood. He even chugged his bottle for me in no time. I thought it was very sweet how my little man just wanted to spend time with his Daddy.
Just so we are clear...by no means does this mean Caden wanted to get away from Mommy. She is definitely his favorite person. It is just he spent all day with her and had not yet seen me.
Caden is such a sweetie!