My little sister is getting married in a couple months. She and my mom scanned a whole bunch of pictures so I can make a video slide show for her and her future husband, Allen. I thought I'd share a few of those pictures.
Here is Angela dressed like an angel. She has dressed like an angel for Halloween many times in her life. I was normally dressed as a devil...even though everyone agrees I was the good child.*
* Okay, I made that up the part that everyone agreeing I was the good child. :) I think we were both pretty good.
Every kid that grew up in Texas needs a Blue Bonnet picture. I think she is trying to smell the flowers.
Here are Angela and I hanging from a tree at our old house. Notice how I have two gigantic bunny teeth (thank you Dr Chu for fixing that) while Angela is missing a front tooth. She lost that tooth soon after it came in so she was missing it for years.
I think this is St Thomas (though it might be Hawaii). I'm pretty sure a speedo would have covered more of my legs than the swimsuit I have on here. Well, at least my belly button is covered...
I'm seeing a trend with me in short shorts pulled up high, high. Angela looks cute in this one though. Caden often makes the pouty face that I'm making here.
Does this look dangerous to anyone else? :) Don't worry if Angela falls, she has the brick fireplace to cushion her fall.
Most people say Caden looks like me but he does't look like I did as a baby. After Amy saw Angela's baby pictures, she decided that Angela is who Caden looks like. What do you think?
Other than Angela having a ton more hair than Caden, I think Amy is correct and I'd be happy if Caden grew up taking after his aunt Angela.
This was so nice. You are such a good writer and I laughed until I cried. Thanks.