Our kids love riding their cars down the small incline on our driveway. They know how to scoot to the top, turn around, and then roll down the driveway at a surprisingly fast speed. They know how to steer the cars and use their feet as brakes before hitting grass, the curb, or the garage. I keep saying I need to get this on video.

We were outside doing our normal soap box racing. At one point, Caroline was at the starting point ready to go down but she decided to wait for Caden. Caden eventually made it to the top and turned his car around.
Soon after Caden turned around, Caroline looked at him and said, "let's do this!" They both immediately took off down the hill as fast as they could.
Seriously! Those were her exact words. I have no idea where she got that. Has anyone been letting her watch The Fast and the Furious?
Oh, that Caroline! She is full of catchphrases.