We are way behind on the blog. I have a number of blog entries planned before I get caught up.
The twins turned two about a month ago. They got all sorts of great presents and one obnoxious present (thanks Grandpa). We opened presents from family one night and then from their friends after their birthday party.
Here are a few pictures of the present opening festivities.
Unlikely last year, both kids definitely understand opening and getting presents now. They had a lot of fun. Caden did something that reminded us of his cousin Will. Anytime a present contained clothes, Caden would toss them over his head and immediately continue looking for something good. :)

My mom and sister got the kids a great train table. Right before we started opening presents, we took the kids to our room and then brought the table out (which I had assembled and hid).

Caroline was very excited when she first saw the table. I didn't get a good picture of Caden's reaction but he was even more excited.

The twins played with the table immediately.

Caroline playing with an interactive Thomas the Train book.

Caden patiently waiting for Poppa to open his new car transporter.

Grammie and Poppa gave Caden a guitar. He had been wanting a guitar for awhile and was ecstatic to finally get one.

This guitar is cool because it has a keyboard and has a motion sensor to detect when it is being strummed.

We should have opened this a little later because it was hard to get Caden to open any more presents after he got this guitar.

Grammie and Poppa also gave the twins a couple of big wheels/tricycles. They are not quite tall enough to turn the pedals but I'm sure they'll be able to do so soon. Despite that, the kids can move around using their legs.

Here is the obnoxious present from Grandpa. Mimi told him it was annoying but he insisted. What makes this toy annoying is it has a motion sensor and anytime it seems something move, it giggles loudly. Caroline loves it! Thankfully, Amy found out it has an off switch hidden under the pajamas. Un-thankfully, Caroline saw Amy find the switch and knows how to turn it back on. :)

Caden and Caroline didn't even know Curious George came in book form. They love watching George on TV.

The twins also got a cool easel. One side has a dry erase board and the other side has a chalk board. Caroline is our little artist and immediately made like 20-30 pages of art. She would draw on a page, then lift it up and get under so she could draw on another page.

Caroline drew on so many pages so quickly that we decided to take away the book of paper. :) Now, we keep a few pages up there at all times and replenish as necessary.

The kids got all sorts of great stuff for their birthday. All the great stuff should keep them entertained for a long time.
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