Our kids recently turned two. We had their birthday party at a really cool splash park near our house.

The party favors were buckets and beach balls that the kids could start playing with at the party.

Caroline likes the small fountains the best. When you step on them, they will actually shoot water further than the larger fountains. Nearby adults need to be careful.

Caden exploring with Grammie wondering when the water was going to come back.

Here are some of their friends exploring the splash park.

Grandma and Caroline having some fun.

Once again, Caroline likes the small fountains the best.

Caroline hanging out with Grammie.

One of the cool features of this splash park is the water slide. The kids went down this numerous times.

Caden likes going down close to the edge.

Even some adults enjoyed going down the water slide.

After all the playing, it was time for some lunch. Amy used buckets to hold the food and shovels to serve it.

Caroline was very interested at the food while Mimi was making sure she didn't fall or stick her hands directly into a bucket of food.

Mmmmmmmmmm, Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets. Even the adults enjoy these.

We had two types of sweets for people to choose from. We had these cool fish cookies from Target.

And Amy made some gluten free cupcakes.

It was a a little windy so we attempted to use a towel to keep the wind from blowing out the candles. It didn't work but the kids didn't mind.

After everyone finished singing happy birthday, Caden cheered and clapped. This reaction was way better than at their first birthday party where Caden cried.

For some reason, Caroline did not immediately dig into her cookie. Instead, she wanted to share my cookie. She ended up eating three quarters of
my cookie!

Later, Caroline told Grammie that, "Daddy ate Caroline's cookie." Grammie made it right by giving her another cookie. Our sneaky little girl had one and three quarter cookies! We didn't figure that out until later. :)

Their friends enjoyed the sweets as well...though I think Caroline was the only one to get more than one.

After a hard day of playing, some of us needed a nap.

After we were done with the water part, Caden and Caroline enjoyed exploring the surrounding area. They gathered a lot of rocks and checked out a bunch of stuff.

I think Caden was singing songs with Grandma here.

The party was over, so it was time for some hugs. Caden loves hugging people. Caroline was content watching the hugs.

The last thing Caroline did at her party was get a ride on the cooler from Grandpa. I'm sure Caden was jealous.

We had a lot of fun at the twins second birthday party. I can't believe two years have already passed us by. Caden and Caroline are so sweet and so fun that they made the time just fly by.
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