Monday, June 14, 2010

Why It's Nice to Have Twins

The reaction most people have to us having twins is, "I don't know how you do it. It seems like it would be so hard." Well, it can be hard (especially for Amy being home with them during the day) but it is also nice having twins. Here are just a few of the reasons why twins are great.
  • They frequently make each other laugh. Caroline is especially good at cracking Caden up. For instance, a couple weeks ago, Caden was in his Johnny Jump-up and I was holding Caroline. I needed to run to the bathroom so I just set her down on the floor four or five feet from Caden. Pretty much as soon as I left the room, I heard Caden laughing loudly. When I went back into the room, Caroline had scooted over to Caden and was making him bounce by pulling the jump-up around. Caden loved it!
  • The twins will play with each other and can entertain themselves. Well, at least for short periods of time. One of their favorite games is taking a blanket or burp cloth away from the other. They will do this over and over laughing every time the other steals the blanket. Amy and I do not see the appeal in the game but they love it.
  • With twins, it is easy to see differences in their personalities. You never have to think, did my previous kid do that or did they act this way. It is amazing just how different they are from one another. They have had very different personalities from the moment they were born and their personalities have, for the most part, have stuck.
  • When out in public, tons of strangers stop to tell you about twins in their family. I've heard so many twin stories about how they grew up as best friends and were never alone because they always had each other.
I'm sure I'm missing thousands of other reasons why twins are great, but these are some of my favorite.

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