Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Royal Wedding

This week, we have a special guest blogger...Aunt Angela! She was very excited about the royal wedding and was in Austin for the occasion.

The Cases, along with the rest of the world, were VERY excited about the Royal Wedding last month! By “The Cases” I mean: myself (Aunt Angela), Grandma and Caroline. And by “excited” I mean: obsessed. Some people thought it was strange to care so much about a stranger’s wedding, to which I respond: not a stranger… a princess!

My Mom and I drove down from Dallas the night before the wedding, which gave me plenty of time to create fancy hats for the babies to wear. You can probably tell by the fine paper craftsmanship, but I spent about 2 hours creating Caden’s top hat.

We decided to DVR the wedding rather than wake up at 4:00am; it was just as exciting at 7:30 when Caden woke up. He was even sleepy enough to wear his hat for about two seconds! Once he was fully awake, the hat didn’t stand a chance. Caden, Grandma and I sat on the sofa together and watched the processional before Caroline woke up.

When Caroline woke up, she was very excited to wear her new fancy hat. Here is her photo shoot with her new toy.

Caroline decided her baby could wear Caden’s hat, as it was clear he wouldn’t care.

Caroline and I enjoyed watching the ceremony together while she drank her milk. She was really excited to watch a few minutes of TV, which the twins don’t usually get to do. Our favorite part was Kate’s processional. We both agreed that Princess Kate must have been inspired by my BFF Kate’s wedding dress!

After our Royal Wedding watching party, we went to the Round Rock Library for baby story time. It is a great Library, and we love it there! After story time, we decided to keep up our British theme going and walked to Friar Tuck’s Pantry for scones and tea. We shared two kinds of delicious scones: blackberry and caramelized onion. Here we are at Friar Tuck’s.

It was a very eventful day, and that was all before 10:30! I know that Caroline and Caden won’t remember the Royal Wedding, but I sure will remember our special Friday together.

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