When the Baker Five where in town, we had plans to head down to Mayfield Park to take some family pictures. We had matching outfits ready and a professional photographer all lined up. Sadly, at the last minute, the photographer had to cancel because of back problems. Despite loosing our pro, we decided to wake up early and head to Mayfield Park with the intent of taking our own pictures.
Mayfield Park is a great place for taking pictures and we've been there several times before. One cool thing about this park is they have quite a few peacocks running around. The kids were very interested in the peacocks.
For some reason, after this trip to Mayfield Park, whenever we say peacock or play with the Little People peacock, the twins say, "no, no, no, peacock!" I'm not sure where that came from.
We managed to get a number of good pictures. By far, the stars of the day were the girls--Ella and Caroline. They did a much better job posing and smiling for the camera than any of the boys.
We first took some pictures on the porch. The lighting was pretty bad on the porch, so we didn't get much.
Here is big Will giving a big hug to his favorite cousin.
We then headed over to another spot to take pictures. I'm not sure why Ella is carrying Caroline in this picture, but Caroline didn't mind in the least. Caroline will do any Ella wants her to do.
This is my favorite one of all five kids. We got them to stand like this by telling them we were going to have a race.
Go, go, go!!! I love that Caroline is making eye contact with the camera with a giant smile on her face.
Caroline loved being our little model.
Caden, on the other hand, was way more into exploring than modeling.
The girls cousins.
Aren't they sweet?
I think this is a great picture of Ella.
This is my favorite picture of Will. This was just before he decided he was done posing for pictures.
I like that the twins are in the background of this one.
The girl cousins checking the place out together.
They found something fun--a pond with koi fish.
For some reason, Caroline kept tasting the water. She would dip her hand in the water and then stick her finger in her mouth (as shown below). We thought there was a good chance we'd come home with a case of Montezuma's revenge. Thankfully, no one brought anything home.
Cal and Caden checking the ponds out together.
Will didn't know I was taking this picture. Like I said before, he was done. :)
Cal was still up for some pictures.
Poppa and his favorite granddaughters. This was towards the end of our photo shoot and Caroline and Ella were still going strong.
One last little bit of exploring before we left.
I was happy with the pictures we ended up getting. We had some great little models. Amy and I need to make it a point to go take pictures like this more often.