The twins are looking forward to another cousin! My sister is pregnant with her first baby. During her last visit, she planned to surprise us with the sex of the baby. Angela brought cake balls where the outside was yellow or green but the cake inside would either be blue for a boy or pink for a girl.

Caroline was very happy to be given a dessert and she bit right in to find the cake inside was...
BLUE!!! The twins are getting a boy cousin!

Caden took one tiny little bite of cake ball and that was it. However, he did enjoy posing for pictures. In this picture, Caden was pretending to bite both his cake ball and Angela's cake ball.

After the sex was revealed, Aunt Angela brought out some blue balloons and some homemade party hats.

Again, Caden is just pretending to eat. :)

But Caroline was actually eating the cake. She loved the cake and is excited to be a big cousin.

We are all looking forward to another little baby in the family.
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