Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Caden's Miniature Guitar

I told a friend how much Caden loves guitars. She suggested we give him a real, miniature one to see if he likes it. She even had one to loan us.

When I gave the miniature guitar to Caden, he freaked out. Caden LOVED it!!!Caroline liked the guitar as well and Caden was willing to share a little...a very little. Both kids knew the guitar was for Caden.Caden actually slept with the guitar the first few days we had it. He was unwilling to go to bed without it. In bed, Caden would strum the guitar as he fell asleep. On the first night, after he fell asleep, I moved the guitar outside his crib but it was within view. Caden woke up that night screaming, "GUITAR!!!" We put it back in his crib and we went right back to sleep.

Caden still wants to take it to bed almost every night, though we rarely let him do so. On some nights, he runs to bed with his guitar and is willing to go to bed a little early if he can take it. We typically oblige and take the guitar out after he falls asleep. (He is now okay with that.)
Caden is great at strumming the guitar and has made up numerous songs as he plays the guitar. Here are a few of our favorite Caden songs:
  • He will sing, "If You're Happy and You Know It" including the clapping, stomping etc. He even smiles and points at his cheeks.
  • He sings about the family. The most common songs are, "Mommy, mommy, mommy", "Mommy, Daddy, Caroline, Caden" (repeat), and "Caroline, no, Caroline no".
  • He has a couple things he plays where he has a jam session and then yells, "Everybody now!"
  • He sings, "holy, holy, holy, God". We think he is singing one of Amy and my favorite songs called Revelation Song. He hears it a lot in the car.
For some reason, Caden now refers to the guitar as "Daddy's guitar." I'm not sure how that came to be but Caden regularly decides something of his is mine and he is borrowing it. It often happens with clothes. He'll decide a shirt he is wearing is my shirt because it looks like something I'd wear. He will tell Caroline and Amy over and over he is wearing my shirt.

Well, I digress. Here is one more picture of our little rock star.

We have some videos of him playing the guitar and singing songs but they are still on the camera. I plan to share them eventually.

Amy and I are already talking about how old he needs to be before he can take lessons. At the moment, Caden definitely has the love. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if the love stays and if there is any talent.

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