Friday, November 20, 2009

Professional Pictures of the Twins

On Saturday, November 7th, we had our good friend Courtney (of Courtney Sprague Photography) take pictures of Caden and Caroline. It took the better part of a Saturday to take all the pictures but I think it was worth it. Both Courtney and the twins did a really good job.

It is very hard to get a good picture of the two of them together. You need both of them to be still, posed close to one another in a nice position, doing the same thing with their eyes (closed or open looking at the same thing), etc. Despite all those challenges, we did get several good together shots.

We aren't showing some of our favorite pictures just yet. They will likely make their way into baby announcements, Christmas cards, and possibly Christmas presents for grandparents. Here are some of our favorites we are ready to show.

Here are the kids posing with the Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls Amy's grandma made for Amy so many years ago.
Amy really likes pictures of baby feet.

That is a big yawn, Caden! I love how Caden has his arm around Caroline on her shoulder in the next few pictures. We love our pacifiers.


  1. they look adorable. We are so glad that you are enjoying this experience. When I see your children it makes me think about when my children were that age. We are excited this year because they are starting to know what Christmas is about.

  2. I agree--the Courtney pictures were worth it!
