Today, I decided to let Caden and Caroline play together in Caden's crib to watch Caden's mobile while I tried to get a few things done around the house. When I put them down, Caden was sucking on his blue pacifier and Caroline was sucking on her pink pacifier. But when I came back, Caroline had a pink pacifier in her hand and a blue one in her mouth! This is not the first time she has stolen Caden's pacifier but I think it is the first time she successfully maneuvered it into her mouth.
Jason and I have our work cut out for us with her. With Caroline, the grass is always greener on the other side. :) She always wants what she doesn't have. Any time you hold a toy in front of her, she will completely lose interest in whatever she was playing with and reach for the new toy like she has never seen something that cool. We really need to get a video of this sometime. It always makes us laugh. We enjoy doing this over and over by rotaing two toys through Caroline.
Hunka Hunka Halloween
8 years ago
Oh my gosh, Amy! I just died laughing at the pacifier story.