Here is Caden's motor boat (aka raspberry) sound. Caden makes this sound all the time. He makes it when he's tired. He makes it when hes board. He makes it when he is ready to get out of bed. He makes it in the middle of the night when mommy and daddy are trying to sleep. He makes it when you talk to him. Seriously, ALL the time.
Caroline and Grandma were playing together and Caroline talking very loudly to Grandma. This went on for five or ten minutes before I picked up the camera. I got there a little to late and Caroline got a little upset towards the end.
Here are a couple videos of Caroline talking with Daddy.
It almost sounds like Caroline is saying "hello" in this video...yeah, I know that's a stretch. :)
Hunka Hunka Halloween
8 years ago
Those are better than any of the Oscar nominated movies!