Our little man sure likes driving. We are not sure how he came about this so early and naturally. I recently up a post on his little red car "Lightning". Well, here are some more car things.
Here is a picture of the twins at HEB in one of their fancy car carts. Amy, Aunt Angela, and Grandma all swear
Caden thought he was driving the cart all around the store.
Caden never took his hands off the steering wheel during the entire trip. Just check out these pictures Angela took. In every one,
Caden was holding onto the wheel. Caroline, on the other hand, was just along for the ride.

I like the one in the lower right where it looks like
Caden is backing the car up.
Here a video of
Caden playing with one of his favorite toys. Normally, he plays with the steering wheel more than he did here.
Caden also has a little plastic car that Grandma gave him. He likes holding it. Caroline doesn't understand why
Caden likes it. If she steals the toy from him, she quickly loses interest and drops it on the floor.
I'm sure
Caden is already counting the days to when he can get a learners permit. That is a little more than 14 years from today. :)
This is proof of what I've been saying for years: I am a really good photographer. (Or maybe I just had really cute subjects!?)