Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Caroline Acting Like a Mommy

As part of our bedtime routine, we lay our kids down on their boppies and offer them a bottle. They typically drink some, play, repeat until we eventually put them to bed. During this routine a few nights ago, Amy and I turned around to find Caroline doing something that we thought was funny. Caroline, who loves acting like a mommy, found her little baby, placed the baby on the boppy, and started feeding her the bottle.
It may be a little hard to see in the picture, but Caroline got quite a bit of milk out onto her babies mouth...and onto her baby's eye. :)
Caroline was checking if she was still thirsty.
By the time Caroline's baby was done drinking, her baby was very wet.

This is just one of the many things Caroline does to act like a mommy. Here are some more:
  • If Caroline wants something, she assumes Caden wants the same thing and will take him one as well whether it be a toy, blankie, or pacifier.
  • This also applies to clothes. If Caroline has a jacket on, Caden should have one as well. If Caroline thinks her jacket should come off, after taking her's off, she will maul Caden trying to get his off.
  • If Caden is upset (and Caroline was not the one to upset him), she will often try to find something to sooth Caden. Again, this is normally
  • Caroline will kiss her baby on the forehead and on the lips (just like we do with her) and she will change her babies diaper.
  • Speaking of diapers, Caroline helps out with Caden's diapers. Caroline's favorite thing to do now is put cream all over Caden's diaper covered area. She does a surprisingly good job doing so...probably better than daddy who finds it way to gross. After putting the creams on Caden, she often wants to put some on mommy, daddy, her baby, and even herself.
  • Caroline will go grab a tissue, cover her nose and mouth, and will blow from her mouth trying to make the same sound we make. She will then take the Kleenex over to Caden to try out as well.
  • If some milk is spilled (which is incredibly common at our house), Caroline likes to clean it up with a burp cloth. She knows right were we keep them.
I'm sure there are ton more things our sweet little girl does to act like a mommy that I'm just not thinking of right now.


  1. So nurturing. I wonder what kind of career she'll choose? Nursing, perhaps?

  2. That was a precious blog and got me laughing.

  3. So sweet! My little niece is like that with Drew. She brings him a paci if he looks upset. The best part is that she shoves it in his mouth handle first :)

  4. Caroline is such a good mommy-in-the-making! She is learning from the best, after all!

    And Denise might be on to something with this future nurse idea. She was very sweet when Grandma broke her ankle--she even hugged her cast!
