We went to a lot of places with the Bakers. They had been to many of these places multiple times before but they kind enough to visit them again with us.
Of course we had to visit Pike's Market. We enjoyed walking around checking stuff out. The twins loved it when we carried them around so they could get a good view of everything. They had been separate most of he time we were there so, as you can see, they were very excited to be reunited in my arms.

The Baker kids were very excited to show us the famous bubble gum wall. Cal is getting ready to made an addition and Amy B was waiting off camera to clean the kids up. :)

The Bakers took us to a couple fish and chips place to get some fresh fried fish. I thought both places were really good but if I had to choose, I'd say Spud was a little better.

My wife, who will not put anything from the ocean into her mouth, was worried about finding something to eat at these fish places. When we went to Ivar's, Amy got a burger at the place next door. After doing so, Will had a conversation with Amy and she decided to try the fish if we went to a second fish place! We decided to make that happen and visit Spud. Well, when it came down to it, Amy chickened out and got chicken instead (get it?). Here she is "trying a bite" of my fish but I saw the fish before and after her "bite." Amy only got a bite of the fried and none of the fish. The closest she got to trying fish was when Ella made Amy laugh and Will tried to shove some into Amy's mouth. It was a great plan but not quite executed.

For the rest of the week, Ella and Will talked about how they were going to trick Amy into eating fish. Well, they actually spoke about this in code but I think the only people fooled by their code were Caden and Caroline.
Another place we visited was the Chittenden Locks between the Pacific and Lake Washington. The locks were pretty cool, especially considering there are no pumps to transfer the water between sections...just gravity.

Caden loved watching all of this stuff and I carried him around most of the time. Any time I pointed at something, he would intently look at it and say "daaaa" as if he were saying "wowww".

Another thing we saw by the locks was the fish ladder. This is where salmon can bypass the locks and start their swim upstream. One fish swam right up to the window when I was looking through it with Caroline. Caroline was very excited to see the fish.

I think the thing the Baker kids were most excited about taking us to was Top Pot Doughnuts. Amy and I had seen it on the Food Network so we were excited about trying it. The Baker kids insisted that everyone have a maple bar. (This from the kids that only ate sprinkle donuts in Texas.)

Here is a pic of the Baker kids and Amy enjoying maple bars.

Here is a closeup of Will enjoying his maple bar. Caroline also enjoyed Will's maple bar. You can see some maple frosting on Caroline's hand in the lower left of this picture. Will let his donut get a little too close to Caroline and she stuck her fingers in the frosting and had a little taste. I think this was her first taste, albeit a small one, of sweets.

While in Seattle, we saw so many things and visited so many places we don't have in Texas. Here are a few more of the places we ate at whether it be a snack or in Trader Joe's case, some groceries. As you can see by these pictures, we ate pretty healthy all week--we had pizza twice, burgers a few times, and stopped at a couple different chocolate candy stores.

And in case you are wondering, we didn't eat out for
every meal. Amy Baker made several good home cooked meals. She is big into the
pioneer woman.
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