One day, Michael and Amy watched Caden and Caroline so Amy and I could go on a tour of Boeing. The tour was very impressive. Sadly, cameras were not allowed on the tour so we did not get any pictures during the tour. While at Boeing, we saw the assembly lines that were building the 747, 777, and the brand new 787. The building where this takes place is massive and is the largest enclosed building on the planet (by cubic feet).
Here is a picture from more than a mile away of the building we toured. It is way bigger than it looks here.

Here are some of the interesting stats we learned while on the tour:
- Disney Land (not World) could fit inside the building and there would still be enough room for around multiple acres of parking.
- 3.3 billion cans of soda could fit into the building.
- Each wing of the 747 (the largest plane Boeing makes) is about 6,000 square feet. Compare that to the square footage in your house.
After the tour, we checked our their museum. I would have liked to stay longer but we needed to get back to our kids. On the other hand, Amy saw all she wanted in like twenty seconds.

On our last full day in Seattle, the four of us went out on her own. For lunch, we ate at XXX Root Beer.

This was an interesting place. There were car related antiques
everywhere! I decided to order a chicken fried steak burger. I expected it to look chicken fried steak with gravy served on a bun as if it were a burger. Well, I was right about that but wrong on the scale. It never crossed my mind that it would be as large as it was. This thing was gigantic. It was so big, I didn't even know I had fries on my plate until I picked the thing up. :)

And of course, I ordered one of their famous root beers. This is me with the small version.

Here is a nice picture of Amy and Caden at XXX. As you can see here, Caden loves playing with straws.

After taking our kids to a place called XXX, Amy and I decided to continue our inappropriate kids day by going on a tour of the
Red Hook Brewery. This was not as good as the Jack Daniel's tour in Tennessee but it was still interesting. We learned a lot. The best part was the bottling process. The machine was mesmerizing.

We also checked out Snoqualmie Falls. They were pretty cool but it was foggy and rainy so we couldn't truly appreciate them. Amazingly, they are actually 100 feet taller than Niagara Falls. They don't seem that tall, probably because you can get so close to Niagara Falls but were unable to do so here.
oh my gosh! please tell me you didn't eat that whole thing